GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom
God is a Healer and a waymaker
You may not understand now but you Will later
It gets Greater later
To my GROW Ambassadors
We will get caught up and ahead of the Oppression
I have been working with these Men who are Godsends
GROW Ambassador Kennedy Lejah for God to Kenya 🇰🇪
who once was a Street child himself, he had no one until God sent a Godsend a WoMan named Monica took him in and cared for him as her Son, She didn’t have much but she Helped propel him to Change the World around him
He has dedicated his life to Children, that’s how I met him, by his deeds for others in the Community
We Pray it Forward in Africa
His Heart is already So Big, We have Opened our first School/ Orphanage
I call it the GROW Excellence Academy
Cause that’s what’s GROWing in and out of it: Excellence
Ambassador Lejah is a Firefighter
God brought us Together to GROW
GROW Ambassador Joseph Moïse for God to Haiti 🇭🇹
Brought together way back then on this Journey and God got him still hanging in
BeLoved Haiti 🇭🇹 is suffering but GROWing to come out of it; I’m Praying
GROW Ambassador Blessed Kenny for God to Uganda 🇺🇬
Chose , Blessed Young King; Thriving under God’s wing! I mean He has Really Blossomed and I am So So Proud of Him
Nigeria 🇳🇬, We’re Building working through GROW is working through Several people there, who are not on Facebook
We are making Great Strides in BeLoved Nigeria, I was just there in February
GROW Ambassador Dilpreet Singh for God to India 🇮🇳, we have done a lot of work in India 🇮🇳 Together to makes things Better for others as We GROW;
Through Dilpreet we have come together in Love for his Country; all things work for Good for those who Love the Lord,
Dilpreet has a Heart of Gold, he’s also my Photographer, has been from the beginning
He just came along from God and started making Beautiful pictures of me
Yep, Scroll all the way back to the Beginning, you’ll see
They are my GROW Ambassadors to God
God sent them to me years ago, when I began GROW on Facebook
Before that it was Women on Track for God
Then it was a meet up with a Narcissist #brianhunt a horrible breaK Through in a haunted house to the BreaK🚊Through to GROW for God to the World
That’s me, the GROW Ambassador for God to the World
It has All been documented on this Timeline, scroll back to the Beginning, where it all began, You’ll see
People come and People GROW
We are Overcoming Day by Day, Minute Minute Second by Second if we have to
I’m Day by Beautiful Day
I can hear evil screaming in my ears but I see God moving,
then I can SpeaK on God moving; Faith, Revelation to Confirmation, I see it Everyday
Hello! GROW✨💝
Ain’t nobody told me nothing but God, God said GROW
The work we are doing, Lifting the Oppressed from Oppression
It gets so heavy,
Pray for Haiti 🇭🇹 , evil is super shady
Pray for the World as the World gets Ready
God is Greater
It’s gets Greater later, we’re heading towards Later
as evils reign is not long
even iron wears out
But Iron Sharpens Iron also,
Sow Love, GROW
We are doing it for the Children
If you have Anything you can Spare
Sow Love here or Sow Love there
Pray it Forward to make it Better for the World for Tomorrow, Today
There are plenty of ways to GROW
GROW in Love and Pray Love Forward
God help us
God Bless us as We