Feb. 16, 2021

The Queen who is helping to Propel this Movement

The Queen who is helping to Propel this Movement


Think we look alike?

This is the Ancient African Queen Nandi.  We are More alike than you know💞.  Very alike.

African Spirituality.

She is Beautiful inside and out, Elegant and Royal.  Her Spirit is not at Rest, very much Alive.  With a burning love for her people, She was defiant of and fought European  Colonization which destroyed the beautiful Continent of Africa, where All life began.  
All life came from Africans.  

We are the True People and White Supremacy is a lie.  She is one of the Ancestors helping to Propel this Movement to  Right a wrong which occurred 400 years ago.

A Revolution has begun and we will take our Royal not inferior place in this World.

RISE My People, RISE!