Jan. 9, 2021

Africans and Education in the United States

"Just ain't nobody better

Heaven knows that I'm the one

And it's all because of something

That I didn't learn in schoolI

I'm just cool, cool, cool, cool," Cool, The Time.

 The "Cool" video was made in 1981 in a 'classroom' full of African and Caucasian people.  https://youtu.be/OuSKqhfeknc


In 1954, Brown v. Board of Education case, the United States Supreme Court ruled segregation in public schools Unconstitutional.

However, it wasn't until November 14, 1960, at the age of six, under Armed Guard defying angry Caucasian mobs, Ruby Bridges became the very first African American child to attend the all-white public William Frantz Elementary School. Africans still hadn't received Civil Rights in 1960.